Maltodextrin identified as a dangerous carbohydrate: This filler ingredient has a glycemic index (GI) of 110 to 136, higher than pure sugar, leading to insulin resistance and inflammation.
White bread causes significant blood sugar spikes: With a glycemic index between 70 to 90, white bread is linked to inflammation and autoimmune diseases due to its highly refined nature.
Instant oatmeal is misleadingly marketed as healthy: This highly processed food can negatively impact concentration and energy levels, making it one of the worst breakfast options.
Rice cakes may spike blood sugar levels: Despite being low in calories, rice cakes can cause higher blood sugar spikes than table sugar and contain unsafe levels of arsenic.
Pretzels contribute to weight loss challenges: With a glycemic index of 80 to 85, hard pretzels can hinder weight loss by raising insulin levels, which blocks fat burning.
Rice syrup is a high glycemic sweetener: Often found in baked goods and snacks, rice syrup poses health risks due to its high glycemic index and potential arsenic contamination.
High fructose corn syrup linked to serious health issues: This sweetener, commonly used in sodas and processed foods, is associated with fatty liver disease, obesity, and other metabolic disorders.