Green Lantern looks to play a major part in James Gunn’s DCU, with Lanterns set to deliver a sci-fi superhero story for HBO, making it the first major live-action TV project for the unfolding DCU. With a major Green Lantern missing for the entirety of the DCEU, fans of that corner of DC should have a lot to look forward to, given the casting, story, and production news that has come out about the new series. With Guy Gardner also appearing in James Gunn’s Superman, it’s a great time to be a Green Lantern fan.
The Green Lantern John Stewart has proven to be a significant hero in the DC Animated Universe with Justice League and its sequel series, Justice League: Unlimited. This gave way to a short-lived Green Lantern animated series, which put the spotlight on more Lanterns, such as Kilowog and Guy Garner. On the live-action front, the Green Lantern Corps had a tragic fate, with Ryan Reynolds’ Green Lantern considered one of the worst superhero movies ever made. However, with James Gunn attempting to revamp DC as its new creative head, Lanterns might serve as a breath of fresh air.