Academy Award-winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro is set to reimagine the iconic tale of Frankenstein in a highly anticipated Netflix production, slated for release in December 2025. Known for his rich visual storytelling and deep affection for gothic horror, del Toro’s adaptation promises to breathe new life into Mary Shelley’s timeless narrative while offering a deeply human exploration of creation, ambition, and tragedy.
Guillermo del Toro, renowned for masterpieces like Pan’s Labyrinth and The Shape of Water, has been attached to the Frankenstein project for years. His admiration for Shelley’s novel has fueled his creative process, resulting in what he describes as “a deeply personal and hauntingly beautiful retelling.”
Del Toro has promised a faithful yet imaginative approach, blending the novel’s gothic horror elements with modern cinematic techniques. “It’s a story about the soul,” del Toro said in a recent interview. “The creature’s search for belonging is as relevant today as it was in 1818.”