DreamWorks Animation is poised to bring its beloved How to Train Your Dragon franchise to life in a groundbreaking live-action adaptation, slated for release on March 14, 2025. Directed by Dean DeBlois, the visionary behind the original animated trilogy, this retelling aims to expand the magical world of Berk with an emotional and visually immersive experience.
The cast features rising stars Mason Thames (The Black Phone) as Hiccup and Nico Parker (The Last of Us) as Astrid. Their chemistry will be at the heart of the story, which follows the journey of a young Viking and his dragon, Toothless, as they challenge societal expectations and discover the power of trust, courage, and friendship. The adaptation will stay true to the animated saga’s spirit while embracing the unique opportunities of live-action storytelling.
DeBlois has expressed excitement about bringing the beloved characters and their world to a new generation. “The animated series has a timeless message about the bond between humans and animals, and we aim to deepen that emotional resonance in a way only live action can achieve,” he shared in an interview.