The official trailer for Hatching introduces viewers to a chilling Finnish horror film directed by Hanna Bergholm. This psychological thriller follows Tinja, a young girl desperate to please her demanding mother, who meticulously crafts a picture-perfect life on social media. Tinja stumbles upon a mysterious egg in the woods and secretly takes it home, nurturing it until it grows far larger than any normal egg. When it hatches, an eerie, grotesque creature emerges, reflecting the bottled-up pressures and suppressed emotions Tinja faces. As the creature begins to mirror her desires and frustrations, Tinja’s world spirals into a nightmare, where beauty and horror coexist.
This uniquely unsettling film combines creature horror with social commentary, exploring the dark side of family dynamics and the pressures of perfection. Hatching was made on a modest budget of around €3 million, showcasing impressive creature effects and atmospheric tension without heavy CGI, captivating viewers with its raw, haunting visuals and thought-provoking themes.