
Daryl Dixon Has Answered Season 2’s Biggest Question Before The First Episode Is Even Out


  • Daryl Dixon heads to Spain in season 3 of the TWD spinoff, leaving France behind due to Genet’s threat against him and fellow survivors at The Nest.
  • As Carol returns in season 2 focused on reuniting with Daryl, it’s likely he won’t return to Alexandria until the series finale.
  • The beautiful European settings in Daryl’s spinoff add depth to the show and offer a picturesque backdrop for the ongoing storyline.

There are many questions surrounding The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 2, but one of the biggest has already been answered before the new installment even airs. The Norman Reedus-led Walking Dead spinoff took the titular character away from his friends in Alexandria and countless other Walking Dead settlements. Thanks to a surprising update about the show’s future, it’s easy to tell how season 2 ends and, more importantly, how it sets up additional seasons. It also gives insight into whether he’ll reunite with his friends in the near future.

TWD: Daryl Dixon was a big shakeup because it took the franchise to France and put the titular character through many ordeals. His aim was to find a way home, but his mission changed considerably after TWD: Daryl Dixon season 1’s ending when he made a controversial decision about his future. It’s unclear how much of this last-minute change informs the creative swing coming at the end of the sophomore season. That said, it will be interesting because it seems Daryl’s reasons for staying away from home will not change.

Daryl Dixon Season 3’s Filming Location Confirms Daryl Won’t Go Home In Season 2

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Is Headed To Spain

Emmanuel Guimier/AMC

Daryl Dixon’s journey in France seemingly wraps up at the end of TWD: Daryl Dixon season 2 because reports have surfaced that Daryl is headed to Spain in season 3. Daryl’s Parisian detour seemed temporary after he wound up there due to Genet’s experiments on Walkers. There were concerns he would stay there for good when he decided to remain in France on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 1, episode 6.

The Daryl Dixon episode also teased Melissa McBride’s return as Carol Peletier, who was on a mission in Maine to locate her missing friend. Her investigation turned a corner when she found someone driving his motorcycle. If anyone can make Daryl change his mind about returning home, it’s Carol. Given that season 2 will have an increased focus on Carol as she tries to reunite with her friend, she will inevitably talk him into going back to the U.S. with her. While season 3’s filming location could pour cold water over that theory, the new locale presents new horizons for the show.

Season 2 of the spinoff is officially titled The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – The Book of Carol .

Daryl Dixon Season 3’s Spanish Setting Continues One Of The Spinoff’s Best Strengths

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon’s Beautiful Cinematography Can Continue

Given the post-apocalyptic landscape, it should be easy for the remaining survivors to move across borders.

Thanks to its European setting, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon features picturesque locations, offering something different from the rest of the franchise. The settings make the show worth watching because they look stunning on screen and are used to their full potential. With season 2 still in France, there’s time to show off more French landmarks before the series switches gears and heads to Spain. At this stage, it’s unclear what part of the country will serve as the new setting, but the possibilities include Barcelona and Madrid, which can be accessed by road from France.

Given the post-apocalyptic landscape, it should be easy for the remaining survivors to move across borders. The big question will be what compels Daryl to leave France behind. There’s a high probability that it has something to do with Genet. The villain is desperate to take down Daryl, Laurent, and everyone at The Nest. It will be interesting to see what sets up the show’s move to another country and whether it gets Daryl and Carol closer to home.

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Release Date

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 2

September 29, 2024

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Daryl Likely Won’t Return To Alexandria Until His Walking Dead Spinoff Ends

Daryl Needs To Reunite With His Friends At Alexandria

Daryl lived in countless communities throughout The Walking Dead, but Alexandria was closest to his heart. He called the community home alongside original series survivors like Maggie, Michonne, Rick, and Carol. While The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Lives‘ ending has set up Daryl to reunite with many of his former friends, there’s a good chance he won’t return to Alexandria until The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon‘s series finale.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 1 established Daryl as a survivor in a new place, finding lots of new people to save and pushing himself to the limit in the process. While returning home is likely a priority for Daryl, his devotion to saving Laurent and the people of The Nest from Genet’s army supersedes his desires. Daryl’s decision will likely come back to haunt him when he crosses paths with Carol. At this point in the timeline, Rick and Michonne have taken down the CRM and returned home, so perhaps Carol telling him what he’s missed will be the tipping point.

However, it’s doubtful he’ll leave Laurent and his newfound group of survivors behind until the threat against them is neutralized. A likely scenario is that Genet’s grip on the army and the Walkers in France will prove to be too strong for the survivors to outmaneuver, forcing them to seek safety in Spain. The big issue is that little is known about the outbreak in Spain, meaning that an even bigger villain could be waiting in the wings to make Daryl’s journey back to Alexandria at the end of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon considerably more complex.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 2 premieres on AMC on Sunday, September 29, 2024.

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