The story begins with Devgn’s character, a passionate and principled individual, who witnesses firsthand the struggles faced by his community. When a series of events highlight the exploitation of the vulnerable by powerful entities, he decides to take a stand. Motivated by a personal tragedy linked to these injustices, he embarks on a mission to fight for the rights of the oppressed.
As he rallies support from fellow activists and friends, including the characters played by Aaman Devgan and Rasha Thadani, the film delves into the complexities of activism, highlighting both the camaraderie and the sacrifices involved. The narrative is filled with intense confrontations, strategic planning, and emotional turmoil as the group navigates a landscape fraught with danger and betrayal.
The film also explores themes of hope, resilience, and the quest for justice, as the protagonist faces numerous challenges from corrupt officials and powerful adversaries. With heart-pounding action sequences and poignant moments of reflection, “Azaad” presents a gripping tale of empowerment and determination.Β