
KUNG FURY 2 (2024): Arnold Schwarzenegger & Michael Fassbender Join the Action!

Kung Fury is a 2015 English-language Swedish martial arts comedy featurette film written and directed by David Sandberg. It pays homage to 1980s martial arts and police action films. The film stars Sandberg in the title role, Jorma Taccone, Leopold Nilsson, and a cameo appearance by David Hasselhoff. The film was crowdfunded through Kickstarter in the beginning of 2014, with pledges reaching US$630,019, exceeding the original target goal of $200,000, but short of the feature film goal of $1 million. It was selected to screen in the Directors’ Fortnight section at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, losing to Rate Me from the United Kingdom. Sometime in the early 1980s, Miami-Dade Police Department detective Kung Fury and his partner Dragon apprehend a red ninja in a back alley, but Dragon is sliced in half by the ninja while Kung Fury is suddenly struck by lightning and bitten by a cobra, giving him extraordinary kung fu powers that enable him to defeat his foe.

Kung Fury 2: Kinofilm mit Michael Fassbender & Schwarzenegger in Arbeit

Years later in 1985, after defeating a rogue arcade machine robot, Kung Fury quits the force when he is assigned to partner with Triceracop, fearing that he would lose another partner in the line of duty. Meanwhile, Adolf Hitler, a.k.a. “Kung Führer”, enters the timeline and remotely guns down the police chief and attacks the precinct through a mobile phone. Intent on avenging the chief, Kung Fury has computer whiz Hackerman send him back in time to 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁 Hitler in Nazi Germany. A glitch in the system, however, sends him back into the Viking Age. After Kung Fury meets the Viking valkyries Barbarianna and Katana, the Norse god Thor sends him to Nazi Germany for him to finish his job.

Upon his arrival, Kung Fury singlehandedly mows down dozens of Nazi soldiers with his kung fu s𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁s, but is gunned down by Hitler using a Gatling-type gun from inside his podium. Suddenly, Thor, Hackerman, Triceracop, the Viking valkyries, and a tyrannosaurus hack into the timeline and 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁 the rest of the Nazi army while the tyrannosaurus squares off against Hitler’s robotic Reichsadler. After being revived by Hackerman, Kung Fury gives Hitler an uppercut to the groin before Thor drops his hammer on the Nazi leader and his robotic eagle. Seeing his mission as accomplished, Kung Fury returns to his timeline. Back in 1985 Miami, Kung Fury once again battles and defeats the arcade machine robot, but notices a Swastika on the robot’s body while Hitler and his Reichsadler enter the timeline, vowing revenge on Kung Fury.

KUNG FURY 2 Teaser (2024) With Arnold Schwarzenegger & Michael Fassbender -  YouTube

Kung Fury II: The Movie - Schwarzenegger & Fassbender Excited to Star!

Kung Fury 2 (2024) Trailer || With Arnold Schwarzenegger & Michael  Fassbender

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